Need RF Technical Support?

Do you have questions about specific RF products or product applications?  Do you want to know if we can build a special coaxial cable assembly specific to your requirements?  Do you have a unique RF technical problem that you're trying to solve?

No problem. We can help!

Pasternack offers customers FREE expert RF Technical Support from highly skilled in-house engineering staff. Our RF engineers and IPC/WHMA-A-620 certified technicians have decades of experience and are here to help answer all of your RF/Microwave-related questions. Whether you're looking for additional product data, having trouble locating your parts online or in our catalog, curious as to how to use a particular product, or need to build a custom assembly and not sure how, Pasternack's Technical Support staff can assist you - no matter what!

Contact Pasternack's RF and Microwave Technical Support Team:

Call Toll-Free: 1-866-727-8376
International Calls: +1-949-261-1920
Fax: +1-949-261-6103

Technical Support Hours: Monday through Friday | 5:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time (PST)